

July 13, 2018
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Directions to Larmer Tree Festival

We don't want you getting lost on your way to us, so do make sure to check your route before travelling. The festival site shares a postcode with a neighbouring village and Sat Nav will take you on a scenic route, but in totally the wrong direction and location! Keep your journey quick and simple, and help us keep our neighbours happy, by following the following directed routes and signs to Larmer Tree. FROM LONDON Take M3 going south. Exit at Junction 8 and join A303. Stay on A303 until Andover and come off at A343 signed to Salisbury. On reaching Salisbury follow directions immediately below. FROM SALISBURY Take A354 towards Blandford. After 11 miles (at large roundabout), go straight over and pick up BROWN HERITAGE SIGNS for Larmer Tree Gardens (right turn after about three miles) and Larmer Tree. Then take first left after ½ mile and follow BROWN FLOWERS and Larmer Tree signs. After passing through Newtown (very narrow lane through hamlet) the Larmer Tree Gardens entrance is ½ mile on right. FROM THE WEST COUNTRY Follow A354 for 8 miles east of Blandford (towards Salisbury). Then pick up BROWN HERITAGE SIGNS for Larmer Tree Gardens and Larmer Tree. After turning off A354, take first left after ½ mile and follow BROWN FLOWERS and Larmer Tree signs. After passing through Newtown (very narrow lane through hamlet) the Larmer Tree Gardens entrance is ½ mile on right. FROM BRISTOL Head for Shaftesbury and on reaching Shaftesbury follow signs for Salisbury (A30). Three miles (approx) after leaving Shaftesbury, on reaching Ludwell look for BROWN HERITAGE SIGNS for Larmer Tree Gardens (right) then follow BROWN FLOWERS and Larmer Tree signs. Stay on this road to top of Wingreen Hill. - Highest point in Wiltshire! (2 miles approx), then at crossroads turn left. After 1 mile (exactly), road swings to the left but take right fork (signed Tollard Green) and stay on this road for 1.7 miles until you see Larmer Tree Gardens entrance on left. FROM THE MIDLANDS Head for Andover and follow directions from London (see above). FROM SOUTHAMPTON Take A31 to Ringwood. Exit at the A338 junction (Bournemouth road) but go right at roundabout to Three Legged Cross. Follow this road through Three Legged Cross (watch your speed as there are three speed cameras on this road) and Horton. At T-junction, turn left and immediately right at Horton Inn. On reaching A354 (SalisburyBlandford road), turn right and then immediately left, following signs to Farnham & Tollard Royal and Larmer Tree Gardens. Then take first left after ½ mile and follow BROWN FLOWERS and Larmer Tree signs. After passing through Newtown (very narrow lane through hamlet) the Larmer Tree Gardens entrance is ½ mile on right.